Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back Safe and Sound

This is just a short post to let you know we got back safe and sound.
We both really enjoyed Parachute 08 and it was awesome to make a whole lot of new friends as well as catching up with some old ones.

Here are a few photos.
But I promise I will update you some more later.

I also decided to do 29 Nights.
This is a group of scrapbook ladies who have decided to take after Ali Edwards and instead of a year they are doing the month of Feb.
I have to place a post and a photo in my blog everyday for the month of Feb.
See here for more details:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Auckland, than on to Parachute...

So he is an update on the week from Hell.
I now love State Insurance.

So on Tuesday I rung State Insurance to follow up on the car and was advised that it will be towed to Wellington to get assessed and then from there decide if they ride the car off or repair it. During this conversation I asked about rental cars and how we were going to get home.
In the end it was easier for us to book the rental car and State Insurance be invoiced for the rental, so since I was flying to Auckland then going to Parachute from there Otis mum (Sue) was able to look around and a good deal on a rental car for 14 days that can be left in Wellington.
Thank you Sue.
I am flying to Auckland tonight where I'll pick up rental car and drive to Hamilton where Parachute is. YAH.
I really be glad to see Otis, man am I so thankful he or anyone else was not hurt.

so back to the car well I got a call from the assessor today to advise that he had only just got the paper work today and that he was arranging for it to be towed down to Wellington tomorrow and then taken to the Hutt Valley to get assessed. He advised I should have a defiant answer on what will happen with the car next Tuesday.
What happen is suppose to happen and so I am prepared for the worse.

But anyway that will be my last blog post till I come back from Parachute 08 but I promise I will post photos and update when we get back.
I might even let Otis write a little. :)

Thanks for reading

Monday, January 21, 2008

Not all trips go to plan.

So I hoped that since Thursday that our week would get better however I should know better.
Bad things in our life happen in threes and it doesn't rain but pours with us.

So to tell you what happened i should probley start at the beginning.
so Friday, Saturday and Sunday went spent organise and packing for parachute but in between I worked and we went out to friends for dinner dinner (Thanks Eileen & Steve) and Otis took me to the Botanic Gardens to watch the light show and the Beatgirls.

I had such an awesome weekend and I really thought we were on the up after last week but as usual as soon as I think something like that life turns to custard.
So we left packing for Parachute till the last minute and when I mean last minute, I mean we were still pack at 12pm on Sunday night however we got it done in the end and also were able to get enough sleep at the same time.

So Monday morning we packed the car and Otis dropped me off at work at about 8.30am and then he went off to meet Bob and the others and start the trip to Parachute.
So everything was going well until I get this call at about 1.30pm. It was Otis telling me he had been in a car accident just outside of Taihape.
Thank God Otis nor the passengers were not hurt however the car didn't come out the same and was a little worse for wear.
So after spending large amounts of time of the phone with the insurance company we aranged to have the car taken back to Taihape to get assessed however due to Monday being a public holiday the car could not be assessed until Tuesday and if it deemed repairable the car will be towed to Wellington.

However we had one proble how do we get Otis, the gear and the passengers he had from Taihape to Hamilton.
Thanks to Bob and a large amount of driving (2 trips from Taihape to Hamilton) he was able to get to Hamilton with all the gear and the passengers he was bring up to Parachute the downer was that by the time they got in they were all rather tied as they didn't get in to Parachute till 2am the next day. (what a long trip.)

Hopefully from there we will be able to arrange with our insurance a rental car in Hamilton so we can get home from Parachute next week but we will just have to see when the assessment is done and I ring the insurance company tomorrow, so to be honest who knows what our week will bring.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

This week was a week to test us...

Wow, what a week we have had.
So it started off that after alot of discussion from friends and family and Otis that I would maybe start apply for another job.
Yes thats right you heard correctly for those friends who don't quite believe as I have said this many of times.
So I got onto the web on Sunday 6th Jan and applied for three jobs (one was two positions within one company).
One application closed on the 7th Jan and the other on the 31st Jan.
So this week I got outcomes on both positions I applied for. The position that closed on the 7th Jan I found out by email that I had the skills but they did not want to take me further which a bit disappointing but okay.
However the for the other one I recieved a call on Tuesday 8th Jan asking that they would like me to come in for an 1/2 day interview which was exciting.

So that was end of last week, now here is the testing week.

So the week starts off with us recieveing a letter from our landlord to advised that our rent is going up in price in 60 days.
So after long discussion we have decided to stay, however this has our plans of buying a house at the end of the year on the back foot but I am hoping that we will still be able to di this.

Then the job interview was on tuesday afternoon and man what an interview and everything that I could do wrong went wrong and everything I had in my mind went blank.
So I came out of that interview feeling pretty horrible, then I get to my car to find that my car had be clamped. YES CLAMPED.
It was not my fault there was no signs.
I tried to disbute it but was advised that if I didn't they would tow my car and then it would cost me $300.00, so I had to pay $150.00 to get my car back.

Then Tuesday night Otis spent the whole night up with tooth ace, so I spent most of Wednesday getting him a dentist appointment.
I was lucky enough to get him an appointment for Thursday 17th Jan @ 8.40am.
So we get there and find the dentist is running late and we don't get in till 9am. Then we finally get in to find that Otis tooth ace is caused by a rotten tooth which needs to be pulled but before this can be done, otis needed to get a special whole head xray.
So a long story short by the time we do the appointment, get antibodics & the special xray it ends up costing us nearly $200.00.

ARG I really hope that nothing else goes pair shaped but who knows its only Thursday morning so who knows what may come of the rest of the week.
Thanks for reading

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Start of a new year with a new blog...

Its a new year and I (Catherine) have always wanted to blog, so we are at the start of year starting one.

So we started the year off with a bang, where we had Christmas in Auckland with Otis family.
It was rather nice as we had a chance to relax, swim, enjoy the nice weather and catch up with some friends and family.

It was a shame we were not able to see our lovely new niece due to Otis having a cold and Jade had not been immunised yet but thanks to Toby & Karen who sent us some beautiful photos of her.

Welcome Jade Marie Dickens

We wish both Toby and Karen lots of love with there first new born.

So the plan for this year is we have no idea, but what we do know is its going to be an exciting one and possibly a few changes but who know, both Otis and I will just have to wait in anticipation.